February 2008 - Level 3 Inspection

Archive for February, 2008

White Light Advantages

Transform your legacy tooling into parametric CAD models
Build an electronic, easy to use, database of FAI and Periodic layout results for FAA and customer compliance
Evaluate non-conformances faster and with more confidence than ever before

Quality Inspection and Beyond

Level 3 Inspection is the only source for AS9102 compliant inspections using advanced white light scanning-
AS9102 Compliant First Article and Periodic Layout Inspections
CMM equivalent white light production inspection with improved results and exceptional visualization
Decades of OEM Aerospace design, inspection and manufacturing experience focused on turbine blades and vanes
Full service dimensional layout inspection and reporting using a variety of inspection methods focused on white light scanning and computer aided inspection
Casting, forging, machined and formed parts inspected to +/- .0002 (.005mm) accuracy
For more information contact us: