June 2018 - Level 3 Inspection

Archive for June, 2018

Want to exceed your part quota and impress your customers?

Here’s How

Drastically increase your daily throughput with Level 3 Inspections’ co-location production inspection service.

With a well-known backlog in the jet engine industry, manufacturers like you are always striving to increase production and meet orders on time. Your customers can’t afford a delayed delivery or a missed monthly quota. Neither can you. You need a way to speed up your throughput and meet your delivery schedules.

Level 3 Inspections has a solution that is proven to work. Check out the results we generated for a leading commercial and military jet engine prime producer:

  • Brought 3D scanning production inspection capabilities and technicians to our client’s location within 36 hours of the request
  • Increased our client’s throughput by 790 percent
  • Helped our client not just meet but EXCEED the part quota

Read the full case study and learn why Level 3 was dubbed the “emergency response team” by the manufacturer.


Summer blade study promo – exclusively for blade manufacturers


Blade Study Special
Summer promo exclusively for blade manufacturers

If you have a surplus of blade orders and not enough inspection capacity, Level 3 offers some relief. With seven 3D scanners, deep experience with turbine blades and the world’s most advanced inspection process, we can handle all your first article and production inspection needs.

Receive up to 30% off blade study programs, through August 31st.

Our special promo allows you to spend more time enjoying the summer and less time worrying about shipping quotas. Contact us today to learn more and take advantage of this offer.

In the meantime, take a tour of our facility.