June 2011 - Level 3 Inspection

Archive for June, 2011

The Time-to-Market Advantage

Level 3 Inspection and Smart Inspection Systems
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Orthopedics is a competitive market with projections of 8-10% global annual growth over the next several years.  As such, best practices have crystallized over the years and decades.  American manufacturers can’t afford to ignore opportunities to reduce new product development time by 30% or more — and improve product revision rates by upwards of 50+%!

If you snooze, you lose.

As you probably know, good design in total joint replacements depends on good geometric understanding.  Engineering misjudgments of mere microns can ruin the outcome of a joint replacement – resulting in expensive recalls, product scrapping, and lost time in product development.
In product manufacturing process development, a trial-and-error approach to form and function can result in dozens of redundant and ineffective iterations where one or two well-founded iterations might have been sufficient.  This is all to common in some major American orthopedic companies.
Foreign competitors throughout precision manufacturing – especially but not exclusively what we increasingly refer to as “Brand China” – have proved themselves receptive to new ways of improving part quality, while still decreasing cost, weight and time to market.  As we’ve seen in other industries, if foreign manufacturers gain the lead over their American counterparts, they won’t give it back.
And domestically, as Don Urbanowicz explained in his keynote address at the OMTEC 2011 trade expo, forthcoming changes in FDA regulatory policy will increase the “First Mover Advantage” still further.
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There’s ground to be gained … or lost.

Given the double-edged situation in which the medical implant industry finds itself in 2011 – facing an opportunity in exploding overseas markets but also a potential threat in overseas competition – there has never been a more critical time to examine cherished misconceptions about what we can expect of product development speed.  First movers will dominate share in their product category – perhaps permanently.  Let’s work together that they may continue to be fellow Americans.

Learn more today.

Call 561.775.7911 today to schedule a discussion about application parameters and configuration criteria with an L3I engineer.

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