- Level 3 Inspection

Level 3 Inspection
Overwhelming Supply
Do you have lead time challenges? L3I can speed up your inspection, solve your backlog and accelerate your shipment.
If you are like a great many of our clients, you have literally piles of parts in your plants that are ready to be shipped to your customers, pending meeting the inspection conformance requirements. And your inspection department is probably already backed up for weeks, or even months, so the revenue and profits realization from those completed parts remains far too distant.
Most of our clients got started with using our services because of a backlog in their layout/inspection department. Then, once they saw that our results were even better than we said they would be, they continue to have us help them with our value promise of better precision parts, much faster, at lower cost and with greater confidence.
Let Level 3 Inspection professional CAI services relieve your inspection backlog with our fast turnaround times and comprehensive ‘customer-ready’ results portfolios. Our dedicated team of inspection professionals will deliver superior results, with process improvement recommendations if needed, faster and better than any other method.
Click here to watch the in action video of the automated, integrated Smart Inspection Station we use for parts inspection.
Faster time to market is everyone’s objective. Our advanced Computer Aided Inspection (CAI) services provides tremendous throughput advantages with greater product condition understanding, being faster and easier than any other measurement method.
If time is money for you, like it is for all of our other clients, give us a chance to positively impact your bottom line with our advanced Computer Aided Inspection services. Call today to tell us when you want the results, and let’s see how much backlog we can eliminate for you!
Bill Greene

Bill Greene – CEO
3D Scanning & Computer Aided Inspection Master Practitioners
Metallurgical Engineers, Mechanical Engineers,
Precision Manufacturing Process Engineers

T: 772.405.7502

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